A giant perpetual wave of granite, ready to crash onto the Owens Valley floor; this is the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range, a huge block of granite, a batholith, hundreds of miles long and up to 2 miles high.
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Sierra Nevada Escarpment Seen From Owens Valley courtesy Wikipedia
Its daunting height has changed the US western interior from a Miocene grassland savanna to the desiccated rock strewn deserts of today. This mountain wall blocks the westward march of Pacific rainstorms called the "rain shadow." The Sierra keeps nearly all the water for itself and rarely shares. But this selfish act has a consequence …erosion by glaciers.
The Sculptor
The process of erosion by glaciers is the grinding of granite from gravel and sand under tons of ice, like sandpaper. A lot of rounded granite surfaces, like those in Yosemite, are appreciated from a distance; but as you get closer they look and feel relatively rough…relative to polished granite.
One of the finest places to see polished granite is near Pine Lake out of Pine Creek Canyon behind Mt Tom west of Bishop, Ca. Elsewhere in the Sierra are small remnant crusts of shiny rock, but here you'll find whole slabs of burnished rock.
The Hike
The Pix
A lapidary’s rock tumbler uses a series of smaller and smaller grit to shape rock and eventually polish to a shine. Its incredible to think this has been done on such an enormous scale.These are Chatter Marks, a series of marks made by vibratory chipping of a bedrock surface by rock fragments carried in the base of a glacier.
These images are from an iPhone. Additional images taken with a Canon in the near future